This 2017 crime thriller was directed by the Safdie brothers, who went on to direct Uncut Gems. It's got the (almost) always fantastic Robert Pattinson and tells the tale of one brother's perilous quest to bust his mentally-handicapped brother out of jail following a botched robbery. Yikes on trikes.
Robert Pattinson is excellent in this. His character is basically an anti-hero. He's a horrible person, but has just enough humanity that you root for him. He commits crime after crime after crime trying to make things right. He's in a hole but won't stop digging. There are other characters he meets along the way, but their stories are mostly inconsequential.
I don't know if this was on purpose, but the story felt a bit jumbled. It sets up plot lines and characters that go nowhere. Robert Pattinson is drifting through a series of situations, using people around him along the way to get what he wants, and then casting them aside when they're no longer useful to him. Actually, I think this structure works well in this case. It kept me guessing until the end. Expectations are out the window along with the criminal accomplice Connie accidentally breaks out of the hospital. That probably made no sense.
Yeah, I have no major complaints. Fantastic performances, a good score, great visuals. Although, I still have no idea why this is called Good Time. I don't think a single character in this at any point had a good time. Maybe I missed something.