There's a neat computer application called Kiwix that allows offline access to Wikipedia and other helpful resources. It's ideal for places where censorship or lack of Internet is an issue, but it's also just rad to have. You can download the top 1 million articles from Wikipedia, which is only about 39 gigabytes if you can believe it, or you can download all 6,958,481 English Wikipedia articles if you're an insane person. Then you can look stuff up on Wikipedia even with no Internet connection. The hyperlinks work, the search bar works, and in the words of the great philosopher Todd Howard, "It just works." Put it on your laptop or phone when you travel so you can read all about the development of Shrek 2 without ever asking for a Wi-Fi password. Articles won't reflect recent changes or remain totally up-to-date, but for most things, it's a perfectly fine wealth of information to have. Very cool.