...but you're suppose to be the super friendly, flawless guy on this site! The artist with no imperfections and numerous ducks. NUMEROUS QUACKING DUCKS! ... cause ducks quack. That's who you are. This is terrible, terrible, not unterrible, but terrible (and possibly bad) news!
How vital is this medication, and is it something you can get coverage for to help reduce the cost later? Would it help if other people began drawing ducks for you? If so, should they be colored with crayons? Should we all fear the worst and expect to see your icon replaced with an angry Plok? Would you like a hug? A mug? A pug? A pug in a mug wanting a hug? *shrug* This reminds me - didn't you have an AMA video you were making a while back? Regardless, we already lost @Jk-Flipflop this year. This site can't afford to be losing you, as well.
Oh man I hope things get better.
Thank you, friendo. Don't worry too much, though. I'll bounce back.