Hello, person. Iā€™m a fella who fancies squirrels, cartoons, a good JRPG, all things Nintendo, root beer, cereal and collecting random things. My page is about music, art, animations (and more, probably).

Brent Bunn @Bertn1991

Male. Although šŸ¤”

Jewel thief

Mrs. Puff's Boating School

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Joined on 3/20/15

Exp Points:
535 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.97 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
6y 1m 8d


Oh man I hope things get better.

Thank you, friendo. Don't worry too much, though. I'll bounce back.

...but you're suppose to be the super friendly, flawless guy on this site! The artist with no imperfections and numerous ducks. NUMEROUS QUACKING DUCKS! ... cause ducks quack. That's who you are. This is terrible, terrible, not unterrible, but terrible (and possibly bad) news!

How vital is this medication, and is it something you can get coverage for to help reduce the cost later? Would it help if other people began drawing ducks for you? If so, should they be colored with crayons? Should we all fear the worst and expect to see your icon replaced with an angry Plok? Would you like a hug? A mug? A pug? A pug in a mug wanting a hug? *shrug* This reminds me - didn't you have an AMA video you were making a while back? Regardless, we already lost @Jk-Flipflop this year. This site can't afford to be losing you, as well.

Aww, I'm far from being flawless (though I do have ducks for days).

The medication I take is, well, an antidepressant, but it does a lot of other good things like give me an appetite and help me sleep as well as helping out with mood and stuff. I won't die without it, but things get kinda crumby after awhile if I don't take it.

Have no fear, my icon shan't be replaced by angry Plok! That would be bonkers.

A hug would be nice, honestly. However, Pugs can't breathe and it makes me sad :'(

The AMA video is gonna go up on Christmas. I wanted to do it on a Holiday, but I already missed Thanksgiving. I wanna try to make a ton of videos for Christmas.

Also, I was so sad to see the one and only @JK-Flipflop go. I messaged him a bunch, but to no avail. I even went to his YouTube Channel, but he didn't reply to my comment.

Anyways, don't worry too much. Ducks heal all wounds in time. I'll bounce back eventually. Thank you so much for caring, kind sir. Much love <3

\_O< \_O< \_O<

Have you been feeling well? Is medication still an issue? Shall I save you some gingerbread cookies for when I bake them on Christmas? A friend is coming over to marathon Bass Rankin flicks. You're welcome to join us. We can also play Monster Party to holiday music. That seems appropriate.

I'm still trying to fix things. My doctor appointment got pushed back to next year, sadly, so I'm still without my medication. Gingerbread heals all wounds, though. That would be lovely. Also, I hope you have The Last Unicorn. I like that one. Also also, it's always a good time to play Monster Party :)

Next year? During the most emotionally unstable time of the year?! Sometimes, I think we're living in the third-world version of a first-world nation.

I'll have to ask my friend if that's part of his collection, though he's kind of a purist about Christmas specials. I doubt he'd have anything but the most well-known stuff. I might have to look into that, however, since TLU seems like something I might prefer.