Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose for the Super Nintendo is a fantastic game from Konami (you know, back when they were cool). You might want to check it out. It's a licensed game that doesn't suck. I had this one as a kid, played it a bunch, but never beat it. I've been playing it again recently and having a grand time. It's cozy and sweet and captures the art and humor of the show nicely. All the good memories. It's on the short side, not too tough, and just lots of fun. It's a game of its time, so there's no way to continue if you get a game over. Well, there's an easy mode that gives passwords, but most of the game is missing. The normal difficulty is pretty generous with extra lives, though, so hang in there! If you can beat the second level, the rest of the game isn't too hard. With a little patience and practice, it's a walk in the cake. Yeah, just super fun, well-made, lots of charm, would highly recommend. Love it.
If you have a SNES, this game is also hecka cheap. There's another Tiny Toon game for the system, but I haven't played that one.
Buster Busts Loose? That's not catchy at all! It should have gone with something hip and with it... like... uh 'Bust'-a-Move! Get it? cause Buster moves in the game. Yeah, you get it! Plus, no one's ever used that as a name before. It's unique. Bust-a-Move. Tell Konami to make the change before they start printing more cartridges to ship to nearby Toys ะฏ Us and KayยทBee Toy locations!
Yes! Yes!! And a third yes!!! But wait, there's already a game called Bust-a-Groove. Wouldn't want to step on any toes.