Just a friendly reminder that Newgrounds, along with most other websites, has options for two-factor authentication. Strong passwords are simply not enough anymore. I thought I was being safe, but sure enough, some lowlife clawed their way into my Discord account briefly and spammed a bunch of nonsense. The nerve. I'd been using 2FA for websites with sensitive information, but now I see it's a must for all websites, period. It's not just your money and information they're after. Having to take the extra precautions is irritating and a pain, but it's quite necessary these days.
Most websites have a "Security" or "Login" section in their settings where you can enable 2FA. If you're unsure about what two-factor authentication is, definitely look into it (before it's too late).
Stay safe (¬_¬ )
thank you plok
You bet! Always makes my day when people remember Plok.